
Nancy Riffle

Nancy Riffle Portrait

Central to my practice as a fiber artist is the conviction that textiles can be powerful symbols marking human endeavor. They can record and document human history. Textiles carry stories, witness events and mark moments in time. In so doing they often can illuminate some of the mysteries of the human condition. Following these threads I find meaning.

In my work I combine textiles with other fibers, paint, and dye. These materials allow me to speak with my hands to express political views, passions, love, comfort, celebration, connection and even grief. The resulting handmade object fosters a relationship between me and the viewer, or in some cases, the receiver of the work. Beyond expressing thoughts and ideas, I make art to revel in the sheer tactile pleasure of material passing through my hands.

Often a needle and thread are instrumental in my communication. When I can wield those by hand I feel connected to men and women “of the cloth” who preceded me in time.

Contact Nancy at nriffle at


"Place D isplaced"

quilt image

"Room 212 Bed B"

quilt image

"Bermondsey Street"